Interview with Senol Halfar | Partner & Managing Director of DonRoberto Coffee from Wolfgang Schmitt Under the motto "conscious consumption", how does Don Roberto Coffee contribute to better working working conditions, environmental standards and consumer...
SDG 12: Sustainable consumption & production
Renatura Verde…
...and how it came about! Christine had the wonderful idea of financially supporting the activities of Tropica Verde e.V. in Costa Rica by selling her delicious homemade jam. With every jar of jam sold, buyers can support the protection of the rainforest and...
In the press: Michael and Wolfgang in ÖKO-TEST magazine
"Der Regenwald wächst wieder" Donnerstag, 14.07.2024 , 10:00 - 18:00 UhrZoo Frankfurt Michael Ott und Wolfgang Schmitt wurden vom Magazin ÖKO-TEST interviewt. Im neusten Heft zu Kaffee stellen die beiden Tropica Verde und seine Arbeit für die Wiederaufforstung des...
All banana or what? Pollution of the Sixaola River by pesticides
All banana or what? Interesting and critical facts about a crooked thing This was the headline above an article by our project coordinator Dr. Stefan Rother, which appeared in the 1999 TROPICA VERDE SPECIAL about banana cultivation in Costa Rica - still very topical,...
What is the Supply Chain Act to us?
Are you interested in volunteering at Tropica Verde? In this interview, Lilith gives us a little insight into her experiences as a volunteer in our association – what she does, where she has been and how she found her way to us. Read now!
IGS Nordend Energy Saving Champion 2021 Hesse
What a success! IGS Nordend is the Hessian energy-saving champion. Congratulations from Tropica Verde! We would of course be particularly pleased if the 1st place in Hesse were to become a national victory. You can contribute now and only until June 8. How? By casting...