What was going on in our rainforest projects in Costa Rica in 2024? Take the opportunity to learn first-hand about our projects for the conservation of tropical rainforests and register now for this event!
Events / Dates
19.10.2024 | My Costa Rica: Reading for & about rainforest projects
Tropica Verde-Gründerin Ina Knobloch sammelt Spenden für die Regenwaldprojekte des Vereins Mein Costa Rica - 40 Jahre im Einsatz für den Dschungel19.10.2024 | 18:00 UhrMassif Central, Frankfurt Ina Knobloch hat vor viele Jahren den Verein Tropica Verde mitgegründet...
24.10.2024 | ONE-HEALTH: People, animals, the environment – health for all
FRANKFURTER BÜRGERUNIVERSITÄT: Humans, animals, the environment - health for all: opportunities of the One Health approach24.10.2024 | 18:30-21:30hFrankfurt What is the connection between human, animal and environmental health? Why is it so important to look at...
19.08.2024 | Rainforest evening: Film about the forest almond tree
Plantaciones Edelman forstet ebenso wie Tropica Verde biodiverse Wälder in Costa Rica auf. Vorstandsvorsitzender Michael Ott und Projektkoordinator und Gründer Dr. Stefan Rother haben sich 2017 die Arbeit von Plantaciones Edelman in Costa Rica angesehen. Seitdem...
24.07.2024 | Annual General Meeting: SAVE THE DATE!
Annual General Meeting 2024: July 24 at Saalbau Bornheim in Frankfurt. Get to know members and exchange ideas with like-minded people!
Costa Rica - Protecting the rainforest and saving endangered species Wolfgang Schmitt, Tropica VerdeThursday, 06.08.2024 , 18:00Frankfurt Zoo Tropica Verde presents its work at Frankfurt Zoo: The presentation will focus on the commitment of Tropica Verde e.V....