Tropica Verde and the DZI seal of approval
TROPICA VERDE has held the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (“DZI”) since 2010.
With the donation seal, the DZI, a generally recognized and independent organization, confirms that TROPICA VERDE uses donations for the intended purpose and carefully in accordance with its statutes for project and educational work. >>> Click here for our seal with the DZI
The donation seal must be reapplied for annually and is awarded on the basis of an extensive audit of financial documents and proof of activity. Complete transparency about the structure, activities and use of funds of the association, both vis-à-vis the DZI and the public, is decisive for the award of the donation seal. This ensures and documents the greatest possible protection of donors against the misuse of funds.
DZI transparency standards and TROPICA VERDE’s responses
The DZI sets out its requirements for recipients of the donation seal in so-called “standards”, which can be downloaded from the DZI website in a brochure on the DZI guidelines .
The transparency standards in section 7 of the regulations are of crucial importance. We have compiled these standards and our answers (in bold) for you below or linked to the documents in which these answers can regularly be found.
7. transparency standards of the DZI
1. the organization reports openly and comprehensively on its work, structures and finances. 2. it responds to inquiries and complaints promptly and appropriately. 3. the organization maintains a website and publishes a meaningful annual report no later than twelve months after the end of its financial year. 4. the website and annual report are clear and comprehensible and have a scope appropriate to the complexity of the organization. 5. the organization submits all documents to the DZI and provides it with all information that enables it to verify compliance with the Donation Seal Standards.
a. Annual report and website
(1) 1. the organization publishes the information listed in items (2)-(15) in the annual report. 2. if they can only be found in detail on the website, the annual report contains a reference to this additional information.
(2) 1. the organization presents its structure and its bodies with regard to their respective tasks, the composition of their personnel and the form of their appointment. 2. it publishes the names of the members of the management body, the management and special supervisory bodies.
>>> See team.
(3) 1. the information on the organizational structure clearly indicates whether the members of the governing body are full-time or honorary. 2. the presentation of the organizational structure also includes meaningful information on significant memberships, affiliations with international associations and legal entities of particular importance through shareholdings, spin-offs or in any other form.
>>> See organizational chart, transparency information in the annual financial reports (Annex 3) and BioFrankfurt.
(4) 1. the organization describes its main objectives and strategies and the associated material opportunities and risks. 2. it provides information on the structure and functioning of its internal control mechanisms.
>>> See About us, Articles of Association and Committee Charter on the website.
(5) 1. the organization reports by way of example and summary on the main projects and program areas supported in the reporting year. 2. in doing so, it quantifies the funds spent, presents important successes and failures in an appropriate manner, names important project or financing partners and provides important information for impact monitoring and future planning.
>>> See activity and financial reports on the website.
(6) As at the end of the financial year, the organization shall state the number of its voting members and, if applicable, supporting members, the number of its full-time employees and, if possible, the number of its volunteers.
>>> See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3).
(7) 1. the organization publishes the total annual remuneration of full-time members of the governing body and management in the reporting year, stating the individual functions. 2. if there are reasons preventing individual publication, these will be explained by the organization and only the sum of the corresponding total annual remuneration and the number of persons concerned will be published. 3. if the publication of the total annual remuneration allows conclusions to be drawn about the amount of remuneration paid to individual members of management, publication may be omitted and must be justified in the annual report. 4. if the organization employs more than 20 employees, it must also transparently disclose the structure and range of the total annual remuneration of its employees and board members in appropriate detail, specifically stating upper and lower limits or average values.
>>> See annual financial reports, personnel expenses item. TROPICA VERDE employs fewer than three full-time employees, therefore no further details are required in accordance with sentence 4.
(8) 1. the organization shall publish the amount of any annual expense allowances paid to board members, stating the respective functions. 2. if there are reasons preventing individual publication, these will be explained by the organization and only the total amount of expense allowances paid to the respective body and the respective number of persons concerned will be published.
>>> See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3).
(9) 1. the organization explains in summary form its cooperation with service providers and companies in accordance with the Donation Seal Standard No. 3 letters h and i. 2. it lists the main service providers and companies by name.
>>> See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3). There are no corporate cooperations on a commercial basis (Donation Seal Standard No. 3 h) or agreements with commercial service providers for the acquisition of donations or in the area of public relations (Donation Seal Standard No. 3 i).
(10) The organization explains in summarized form how performance-related remuneration is paid as part of its fundraising activities.
>>> Not applicable: See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3).
(11) If the organization enters into material legal transactions with its own employees or members of governing bodies or with natural persons or legal entities related to them, this is explained in the annual report or on the website.
>>> Not applicable: See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3).
(12) The organization provides examples and summaries of its forms of advertising in order to create transparency and public acceptance in this regard.
>>> TROPICA VERDE promotes the projects and the association with information stands and specialist presentations, the association magazine Der TUKAN (2016 edition), information flyers and e-mail distribution lists.
(13) 1. the organization publishes – including comparative data from the previous year – its income and expenditure or income and expenditure as well as its assets in the minimum breakdown specified in Donation Seal Standard No. 6.a (4) to (6). 2. it explains the main items and any significant deviations from the previous year and assesses its general financial position.
>>> See annual financial reports.
(14) 1. if an organization forwards more than half of its project expenditure to a single other organization for further disposition, it shall provide information about this in the annual report. 2. this also applies analogously to an organization that receives more than half of its funds from a single other charitable organization. 3. if advertising or administrative expenses are financed directly by a central organization or other third parties (e.g. street advertising), the organization shall also provide information on the scope and content in its annual report.
>>> Not applicable: See transparency information in the annual financial reports (Appendix 3).
(15) The organization provides information on the scope and results of the audit of its financial reporting.
>>> See annual
financial reports
(16) 1. the organization publishes essential information on its website in an easily accessible, up-to-date form. 2. this includes in particular the annual report, the articles of association, the composition of its management body and special supervisory body as well as important contacts.
>>> See statutes, reports, team and contact.
b. Duty to provide evidence and information
(1) 1. the organization submits to the DZI all information and provides all information required for the verification of compliance with the Donation Seal Standards. 2. it informs the DZI promptly and comprehensively about significant changes and about circumstances that could conflict with the donation seal standards.
>>> TROPICA VERDE ensures the corresponding flow of information as part of the annual donation seal application as well as during the year when appropriate.