Nature conservation through environmental education

In Costa RicaIn Germany

Only through a keen awareness of our natural environment is it possible to do something about the threats.

It is therefore particularly important to Tropica Verde to supplement its environmental protection projects with education in kindergartens, schools, universities and extracurricular learning centers – in Costa Rica as well as in Germany and Switzerland – and now also online!


The aim is to combine every nature conservation project in Costa Rica with environmental education. The activities are primarily aimed at pupils, students, parents and teachers. But the older generations are also integrated, and we try to pass on their experience to the next generation together with local partners.

Network for environmental education

To link the Costa Rica-wide environmental education activities of our local partner organizations, Tropica Verde is launching a cross-project environmental education network.
More information about the network in the interview with Mónica Chinchilla Vargas

Monte Alto – Knowing, understanding and protecting nature

In Monte Alto, the environmental education program of the local foundation Pro Reserva Forestal Monte Alto is largely financed by Tropica Verde. In addition, together with various partner organizations, the establishment of an environmental education center was made possible, which serves as a base for project visits by school classes and travel groups. On a tour, they can explore various nature trails, such as the orchid and tree nature trail, and learn about the amazing biodiversity of a successfully reforested secondary forest. For many years, environmental education courses have been held in several local schools with the aim of sensitizing primary school children to the fauna and flora of their home region and increasing their understanding of the importance of the various species for a functioning ecosystem and an intact water cycle.

There are also regular excursions to Monte Alto, such as the annual “Day of the Tree”, so that the children can get to know different animal species and learn about their natural habitat while planting trees. From 2020, the increasing biodiversity will be observed and documented in collaboration with students from Hojancha Professional Technical College, using data collected from camera traps, among other things.

Children discover nature on the observation platform of the environmental education center in Monte Alto
In the indigenous village of Bribri, committed children are enthusiastic about nature conservation and develop their own projects

Rainforest conservation through school projects

In the Talamanca Biological Corridor, Tropica Verde finances school projects through the local organization ACBTC (Asociación Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe). Important topics are dealt with here, such as the effects of climate change and the importance of protecting species-rich forests in the region. This work reaches both the pupils and their parents. The lecturers are supported by Tropica Verde, among others, for their environmental education work. At the annual “Festival Ambiental Por La Vida” in Bribri, the main town of the indigenous population, the pupils present their projects with great pride and commitment through games, dance and theater.

Reserva Kinkajou –
Guided tours for nature lovers

Starting from the nearby Yatama Ecolodge, tour groups are guided through the untouched nature of the Braulio Carrillo National Park and the neighboring project area. Nature guide Pedro explains the threats to the environment that lurk just beyond the borders of the national park. He explains the methods of reforestation for the preservation and creation of biological corridors, which are vital for the survival of numerous animal species as an extension of their habitat. In the near future, a small environmental center is also to be built, which can also be visited by school groups and will serve as a starting point for scientific research.


Morning excursion on the road to Reserva Kinkajou

Reserva Kinkajou –
Guided tours for nature lovers

Starting from the nearby Yatama Ecolodge, tour groups are guided through the untouched nature of the Braulio Carrillo National Park and the neighboring project area. Nature guide Pedro explains the threats to the environment that lurk just beyond the borders of the national park. He explains the methods of reforestation for the preservation and creation of biological corridors, which are vital for the survival of numerous animal species as an extension of their habitat. In the near future, a small environmental center is also to be built, which can also be visited by school groups and will serve as a starting point for scientific research.

ECODESI – Environmental education for young and old

In the small village of Villareal near Tamarindo, Tropica Verde has been supporting the “Colores de Identidad” project run by local partner organization ECODESI for years. The main target groups for this project are senior citizens from the municipality of Villareal and schoolchildren from the region. The seniors are supported in learning and implementing important environmental measures (recycling, planting, etc.).

At the same time, the older participants pass on their experience of traditional vegetable and fruit cultivation to the younger generation. In addition to numerous workshops and training courses, the activities in this project include setting up a tree nursery with local plants, reforestation, recycling, composting, campaigns for clean rivers, a seed bank with local seeds and much more.

Participants in a plant propagation campaign in the ECODESI project
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ASOGUABO – Education for sustainable development in the tropical rainforest

Together with our partner organization ASOGUABO (Asociacion Guardianes del Bosque = Guardians of the Forest), which was founded in 2023, we began in 2024 to further strengthen sustainable nature conservation through environmental education. Through local qualified teachers, we offer schools the opportunity to integrate the topic of nature conservation into their lessons. Only if we succeed in informing both children and adults about the importance of the local intact rainforest and bringing them closer to the special features of the forests through training courses, hikes and nature activities can we achieve real sustainability.

The biological corridor in the region is under increasing threat from land speculation and the sometimes illegal construction of roads and expanding tourist infrastructure. It is therefore important to work with local people to establish good monitoring and promote neighborhood networks. According to the motto “together we are strong”, ASOGUABO establishes such local activities for the long-term preservation of the still well-preserved forest islands within the corridor, which also includes the Tropica Verde Reserva “Finca Curré” with its primary forest that is over 300 years old. We support such sustainable local activities.

Help us with this! Every donation counts and helps to preserve this unique habitat in the long term.

By presenting traditional seeds, ECODESI aims to safeguard traditional knowledge
Children explore the forest near Monte Alto
Monte Alto Environmental Education Center, Victor Esquivel
Environmental education at the Monte Alto Lodge.
Children learn to identify and understand the animal and plant world in the Tropica Verde protected areas

News about our educational campaigns and projects

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