Become a member

Become a part of Tropica Verde and help shape it – with your right to vote at the general meeting.

(If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time at:

Bank details:
IBAN: DE69 5005 0201 0000 2552 70
BIC: HELADEF1822 (Frankfurter Sparkasse)

When making a donation, please state your address next to the intended purpose so that we can send you a donation receipt.

Please use our form or alternatively the membership application and direct debit authorization for the postal service.

Wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihrer Mitgliedschaft freiwillig mehr zum Schutz des Regenwaldes beitragen möchten, geben Sie uns bitte einen Hinweis im Textfeld weiter unten
* Pflichtfeld
Data protection
We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: