I felt similar to this anteater last year during a climbing forest course on the Wasserkuppe, when I was left hanging helplessly from a ropeway between two of the wooden platforms and could no longer go back and forth.

What I would have given, like the anteater, to have a practical climbing aid on my body. The anteater uses its prehensile tail skillfully when climbing, it is like a fifth arm and makes the anteater the perfect climbing master. The saying “No master has yet fallen from the sky” can therefore be taken literally in the case of the anteater. Falling from trees is the least of the little anteater’s problems. The habitat fragmentation is more of a problem. You can find out more here.

Do you like my drawing? Then I would be delighted if you share and comment on them! Fortunately, I was able to get out of the situation in the climbing forest with the help of my sister. The little anteater would certainly have solved this more elegantly 😉

Yours, Jenny.

Help to ensure the survival of this fascinating tree dweller in western Costa Rica.

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