What is it all about?
The survival of the small anteater (tamandua) in the Monte Alto region of Costa Rica is endangered. There is a lack of young talent.

logo ameisenbaer 01 kopie 1Why is the anteater population endangered?
No distance is too far for the little anteater (Tamandua) to find his dream woman and start a family. But in its search it is dependent on trees, because they are where it moves around, finds food and a suitable partner.

Our Monte Alto protected area is not yet connected to the surrounding forests. For this reason, we want to buy a former pasture area and reforest it.

Why do we need to act as quickly as possible?

Time is of the essence, as farmers have set their sights on the pastureland for the cultivation of conventional oranges.

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They want to beat us to it and outbid our purchase offer. Should they succeed, the pastureland would be converted into a pesticide-laden monoculture. We must prevent this! ! !
Such plantations lack the tasty ants and termites that anteaters need to eat on their migrations. In the midst of the poisons, the little anteater would therefore neither find a suitable partner nor be able to start a family. The population of anteaters in the Monte Alto region would be severely endangered by the establishment of such orange plantations.

How can you help?
To protect and preserve the small anteater, we are planning to purchase the grazing area in question. A total of almost 50,000 euros will be needed for the 8.4 ha area. Our association can cover part of the funds from reserves. We need to raise at least 10,000 euros in donations in the near future.

Help secure the population of the little anteater in the region! Support family reunification with your donation.

Many thanks for your help!

Jenny, from Tropica Verde e.V.