Cooperation, poaching and environmental education

2023 was a very intensive year in terms of our project work in Costa Rica. I’ve just returned from another 6 weeks in the country shortly before Christmas and have taken away many positive impressions from the discussions with all our project partners. In 2023 alone, 4 new partner organizations were added!

Networking and collaboration: group discussion at the Monte Alto workshop

In 2023, we also moved a lot closer together, with more intensive collaboration and regular exchanges between us. We launched all of this in 2022 with our first workshop, and this was Beginning of Dec. 2023 in the workshop in Monte Alto successfully continued. I would now call it a real family of conservationists and teachers who support each other and share experiences. Very harmonious, very innovative, very proactive. That was exactly the goal!

After all, there are not only positive things to report from Costa Rica. Poaching has increased sharply since the pandemic and there is no sign of a reversal. Nocturnal encounters with poachers in the forests are now the norm. Unfortunately, the Costa Rican state has hardly any response to this development apart from legislation that strictly prohibits poaching in general. In our protected areas, we rely heavily on awareness-raising work, environmental education, monitoring and cooperation with the local authorities. In addition, camera traps and regular footfall indicate our presence. However, our hands are tied against armed groups of hunters with packs of trained hunting dogs.

Wild real estate speculation in areas such as the southern Caribbean, where forests are heavily parceled out, is also an increasing threat to biocorridors. We are therefore delighted to have found a new, young partner organization in ASOGUABO, with whom we have just signed a cooperation agreement. On the one hand, this includes the increased protection of the biological corridor between the Keköldi indigenous reserve and the Gandoca-Manzanillo protected area through networking between conservationists and ecologically-minded landowners. It also includes environmental education and awareness-raising work.

environmental education
of Tropica Verde in Costa Rica took a huge leap forward in 2023. We are very proud of this. In Karla Murillo, we were able to recruit an experienced expert who has launched a veritable environmental education network across the entire Caribbean coast.

We have been able to educate hundreds of children, especially in the poorer regions, expand our adult education and have created our first teacher network through face-to-face and virtual workshops. This program caused such a positive stir that Karla was offered a senior position at the University of Costa Rica in the spring.

Congratulations to Karla, who really deserves it!

Our task now is to continue this work consistently in 2024 with our existing environmental education partners and additional new staff.

Project manager and participant in a workshop in Siquirres with new art

I don’t want to write a long novel in this short article. There will be more detailed information with photos and videos in the coming months paso a paso – little by little – in the newsletter, on YouTube & Instagram and on our website .

However, I can say one thing with certainty: a really great family has emerged from our partner organizations, which previously worked in isolation. The first two workshops had a very positive effect and all partner organizations are looking forward to working together on a regular basis.

And very importantly, everyone is very
very grateful to the members and donors
for the opportunity to earn a living from nature conservation and environmental education. This is not a matter of course and is greatly appreciated.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas! And for 2024 it can only be: Vamos!!!

Kind regards, Stefan

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