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What’s new at Tropica Verde?

Report from Los Guardianes – 30.12.15

Report from Los Guardianes – 30.12.15

Dear nature fans, here are Rasmus and Mischa, live from the Costa Rican rainforest, The new year will hold many new tasks, experiences and surprises in store for the Guardians of Finca Curré (Forest Guardians), but first we would like to report on the last few months...

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Big anteaters at Frankfurt Zoo

Big anteaters at Frankfurt Zoo

Big anteaters can now be seen again at Frankfurt Zoo. Although the big anteater is even more impressive in size and shape than the small anteater, the two have a lot in common and can give you an insight into the extraordinary animal world of Costa Rica. The lesser...

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Biologist on the wrong track!

Biologist on the wrong track!

Art lessons at school must have been worthwhile for something, I thought to myself as I picked up the pencil and drawing paper during my Christmas vacation. My aim is to show you the fun facts about the anteater in an entertaining and attractive way, what a creature...

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Pupils become natural scientists!

Pupils become natural scientists!

Thanks to our support, our project partner Monte Alto was able to purchase new binoculars and nature guides for educational work this year. In the summer, classes from a total of seven schools were able to take part in excursions through the nature reserve and use the...

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