The famous, ancient tree giant from Monte Alto is history! A few days ago, the trunk of this charismatic gem of a tree, the “Ceiba” species, broke in the middle. The fallen canopy buried a large number of small trees beneath it, creating a new clearing that will be the source of new life.
The spectacular death of old Ceibas hits us Tropicans hard, but not only us…
The giant tree in our “Monte Alto” nature reserve, for which we won the ZeitzeicheN award in 2015, was a popular photo motif for us as well as for many tourists and nature enthusiasts. With its spreading roots and trunk circumference of several meters, it has always shown in an impressive way how a tree can develop and thrive undisturbed over several years.
Despite the sadness… Monte Alto’s employees see it positively “behind every ending, there is a new beginning!” says Miguel, the project manager. He predicts that nature will quickly take over the newly created, light-flooded habitat, so that the gap, which still seems painful, will soon be closed again. We are delighted to be able to observe these developments.
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