Having just returned from a trip through Costa Rica, it is not difficult to look back on a great anniversary year 2019 with many highlights. We would like to share our successes with you and thank you for your support.

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The year began with the surprising news from the Reserva Kinkajou that we have the opportunity to acquire an adjacent plot of 32 hectares for partial reforestation and thus significantly increase the biological buffer zone to the Braulio Carrillo National Park.

We were fortunate to receive a funding commitment from an American nature conservation fund and a generous commitment from a family in Switzerland, who became enthusiastic about the project after visiting the “small” Reserva Kinkajou. This meant that the purchase of the land could be initiated quickly without overstretching our association’s finances.

On our current trip, we had the opportunity to walk through the entire property – and we were pleasantly surprised: a significant part of the property contains primary and old secondary forest that has not fallen victim to the loggers.

We were also surprised that a large number of pioneer plants and trees have already established themselves through natural succession, which makes our planned reforestation much easier.

20191218 Weihnachtsbrief

In addition to this project, which is of great strategic ecological importance in terms of a biological corridor, we were also able to successfully continue our other activities together with our partners Fundación Reserva Pro Reserva Natural Monte Alto, Corredor Biológico Talamanca – Caribe, Ecodesi and the Centro Científico Tropical (CCT).

The planting of over 1,000 trees on Finca Alicia has been completed. Next year, the focus here will be on securing and caring for the young plants; the educational activities in Monte Alto have taught many pupils and students the importance of intact nature, including through independent tree planting. We had the opportunity to attend an educational session on our trip – and it was great to see the children’s enthusiasm.

We received equally positive reports from our other partners: At Ecodesi, whose project manager Adela Peña we also visited, the project, which involves setting up a seed bank for traditional local plants as well as educational work for sustainable management and nature conservation, is going so well that it will be expanded next year and may even receive special funding as a local model project.

A highlight of the year was the 30th anniversary celebration of our association in Frankfurt with the ambassador and consul, founding members and many guests, with a tombola, stands and presentations as well as small treats. The Palmengarten and the Villa Leonhardi were the perfect setting, the weather also played along, and so it was an unforgettable day! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many helping hands and the organizers of this event.

Tropica Verde 30 Jahre 52Nevertheless, even if Tropica Verde can look back with satisfaction on a year 2019 that is drawing to a close, there is still the downer of a half-hearted climate package in Germany as well as an international community torn apart by climate change, which only just got together for a “climate summit” that ended with a minimal consensus that was in no way sufficient.

We continue to close our eyes and ignore scientific facts in national egoism, putting the future of our planet at risk. This is irresponsible, and it is to be hoped that the climate protection movement initiated by Greta Thunberg will exert its influence in the long term.

However, we can justifiably say that over the past 30 years we have actively countered the destruction of nature and the climate with our projects on the ground and our educational work here in Germany. And it goes without saying that we will continue to do this with all our strength in the future!

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With this in mind, we wish you a peaceful holiday season and all the best for a healthy, successful and climate-friendly 2020!

Michael Ott (Chairman of the Management Board), Prof. Dr. Martin Scholz (Deputy Chairman of the Management Board) and Heribert Becker (Chairman of the Committee)

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