What does meat consumption have to do with the loss of the rainforest? The film AGROkalypse explains.

On Wednesday, 04.10. at 7 pm Together with the Climate Alliance and fair-ein e.V., we will be showing the film ‘AGROkalypse – Der Tag, an dem das Gensoja kam’ at Haus am Dom. Admission is free of charge.

The film evening marks the start of the new “fern-welt-nah” series of the Hesse Development Policy Network. It sheds light on the problem of the displacement of the rainforest in Brazil in favor of soybean cultivation. Soy is an important component of animal feed and is therefore used for livestock farming.

In Monte Alto, in the northwest of Costa Rica, large areas of tropical forest have also been cut down for livestock farming. The planted African pasture grass prevents natural regeneration. Tropica Verde supports the region through targeted reforestation measures and local environmental education. The exact connections will be presented during the film evening by means of an exhibition on the project in Monte Alto.

Jan Erler (Filmproduktion Coreoperation), Thomas Brose (Klima-Bündnis e.V.) and Iris Degen (fair-ein e.V.) will be present for a subsequent discussion. The evening will be moderated by Sara Schmitt Pacifico from Klima-Bündnis e.V..

We would be delighted to see you there!

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