On September 26, 2023, it’s that time again: project coordinator Dr. Stefan Rother gives his funny, informative lecture with fascinating pictures! This time we are heading up north: to the Hamburg Planetarium.

Lecture: The fascination of the rainforest on 26.09.2023

During his 30 years of commitment to the protection of tropical rainforests, biologist Dr. Stefan Rother has collected many colorful photo series and captivating stories. In an exciting multimedia show, he takes you through the tropical forests of Costa Rica – with shrill birds, brightly colored frogs and well-camouflaged hunters.

This evening is a great opportunity to be captivated by Costa Rica’s biodiversity and learn more about Tropica Verde’s work at the same time. So if you are in Hamburg or the surrounding area, be sure to stop by!

Or maybe you know friends of friends of friends who are fans of nature conservation, Costa Rica or simply great nature and wildlife photography? Then invite them.

We definitely look forward to seeing one or the other there!

All details at a glance

  • Tuesday, 26.09.2023
  • Start: 19:30
  • Duration: approx. 90 minutes
  • Admission: 12,- Euro, reduced 7,50 Euro

Click here for tickets for the event on the Hamburg Planetarium website

Hamburg Planetarium
Linnering 1 (city park)
22299 Hamburg

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