At the beginning of the month, Stefan Rother, founding member of our association, biologist and photographer, attracted over 100 people to the hall of the Kirchbühl parish hall (Switzerland) with his live report “Secrets in the rainforest”! With close-ups of rare animals, videos, anecdotes and explanatory pictures about the special features of the rainforests and their inhabitants, Stefan Rother was able to inspire the visitors. There was a great deal of interest in the tropical rainforest, which led to lively discussions during the break and after the event. The TROPICA VERDE information stand was very popular, and many people signed up to our newsletter list or even became members!

We are particularly pleased that over 1500 euros were raised on the evening as a donation for the new quad bike for our project partner Ulíses. You can find a summary of the evening on Stefan Rother’s blog.

A big thank you to Stefan Rother for his great commitment to TROPICA VERDE and environmental education!