Become a sponsor

Rainforest sponsorship

Become a sponsor for the rainforest and receive a high-quality certificate, which is also an ideal gift for family, friends or business partners.

With a rainforest sponsorship you support Tropica Verde’s current nature & species conservation and education projects in Costa Rica and Germany. The amount with which you conclude a sponsorship is converted by us into CO2 equivalents. 25€ corresponds to one ton of CO2, which is offset over a year. All current projects are included in the calculation of Tropica Verde’s CO2 compensation. Because with a rainforest sponsorship, the existing primeval forests are protected, former farmland is reforested, new trees are planted and environmental education is promoted. This combination of measures to protect the tropical rainforest makes Tropica Verde’s rainforest sponsorship unique.

For your donation of at least €25, you will receive a personalized certificate and a donation receipt for submission to your tax office.
You can choose from the motifs shown.

(If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time at:

Meine Regenwald-Patenschaft

 für die Patenschaftsurkunde:


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IBAN: DE69 5005 0201 0000 2552 70

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We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: