
according to the Transparent Civil Society Initiative (ITZ)

Tropica Verde and the voluntary commitment to transparency in accordance with the requirements of the ITZ

Trust and transparency are the decisive factors in our work. TROPICA VERDE therefore supports the transparency requirements of the “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft (IT Z)” with a voluntary commitment to publish the required information transparently in accordance with the ITZ guidelines.

The little anteater, called Tamandua, is always on the lookout for ant nests whose inhabitants he licks up with his long tongue.

Background information on the ITZ and the institutions supporting the initiative can be found on the website of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. You can also download the guidelines there. The DZI is also among the supporting institutions of the ITZ and has already incorporated a large part of the requirements of the ITZ guidelines into the requirements for awarding the donation seal.

For this reason, the information already available on our website as part of the donation seal of approval means that we have essentially been meeting the requirements of the ITZ for years. Signing the declaration of commitment is therefore a logical and consistent step for TROPICA VERDE in terms of complete transparency of our association.


1. name, registered office, address and year of foundation

2. complete articles of association and information on the objectives of our

  • Organization on the Articles of Association, our objectives and subject areas (§ 2 of the Articles of Association)

3. information on tax concessions

  • We are registered for the promotion of environmental protection, public education, international understanding and consumer advice by certificate of the tax office Frankfurt am Main V-Höchst, StNr. 47 250 62269, dated 28.11.2023 as a non-profit organization and according to the last notice of exemption we received from the Frankfurt am Main V-Höchst tax office, StNr. 47 250 62269, dated 28.11.2023 for the years 2020 to 2022 in accordance with § 5 para. 1 No. 9 of the German Corporation Tax Act (Körperschaftsteuergesetz – KStG) and exempt from trade tax under Section 3 No. 6 GewStG. From 05.07.2024 the StNr. will be 14 250 49879, Frankfurt am Main tax office.

4. name and function of key decision-makers

  • to the annual report (since 2010, Annex 3 of the cash audit reports)

5th activity report

6. personnel structure

7. information on the source of funds

8. information on the use of funds

9. corporate affiliation with third parties

  • there are no corporate links with third parties.
    TROPICA VERDE is independent and autonomous.
    TROPICA VERDE itself is a member of BioFrankfurt e.V., the Environmental Paper Network (EPN) and the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Hessen e.V. (EPN Hessen).
    Please see our additional information on these organizations under the Partners tab.

10. annual payments that account for more than 10% of the total annual budget

  • With the exception of donations from two bequests from private individuals (39% and 6.7% of total income), the individual amounts of the donations are each less than 5% of total income, with an average value of 1.3%.

  • Untied state subsidies amount to a total of 5.7%. An earmarked grant from a foundation contributes 1.5% to income. We did not receive any donations from other legal entities or companies.

    For further details on the finances and activities of Tropica Verde e.V., please refer to the financial report for 2023, which is available under Downloads

Helping instead of complaining

Support the tropical rainforest with your donation or become a member of the association
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We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: