In Costa RicaIn Germany

Understanding how our behavior affects nature is the key to global transformation. That’s why Tropica Verde is involved in kindergartens, schools, universities and extracurricular places of learning – in Costa Rica, Germany, Switzerland and now also online!

Environmental education in Germany

Tropica Verde has been promoting environmental education in Germany since 1989. Many people are not aware that tropical forests in Costa Rica are being cut down for bananas, pineapples and palm oil. Our educational programs convey that we can only protect our planet if we work together. The rainforest can be preserved through cooperation and innovative processes. Education for sustainable development is the key to shaping these changes. So how can we promote the protection of the tropics in Costa Rica by raising awareness?

Children discover nature on the observation platform of the environmental education center in Monte Alto

Bookable educational offers for
all generations

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Multimedia show | all generations

The fascination of the rainforest: unique, mysterious, endangered

Be inspired by our colorful multimedia shows about the rainforest, Tropica Verde and Costa Rica’s biodiversity. Experience it online or live – just as you wish!

Discover the Costa Rican rainforest! Colorful multimedia shows about Tropica Verde’s projects and the biodiversity of the rainforest will amaze you. Breathtaking photos and gripping stories make the rainforest tangible. Dr. Stefan Rother, biologist and co-founder of Tropica Verde, visits kindergartens, schools, universities, companies, retirement homes and public institutions in Germany and Switzerland. The show can also be booked for private events and as a worldwide online event.

Duration: 90 minutes
Where: Germany, Switzerland or online
For whom suitable: All generations
Price: from € 450, varies depending on location and participants; 15% discount for members
Booking: via Tropica Verde
Implementing partner: Faunity Photography, Stefan Rother

3 Bilder Wasserkreislauf 1

Education module | School: 4. & 5th grade

Water cycle: the source of life

At the Hanau Environmental Center, participants can interactively explore the water cycle of a protected area in Costa Rica.

Experienced speakers from the Hanau Environmental Center offer the educational module “Water cycle in Germany and Costa Rica” to elementary school in the Rhine-Main region. The workshop, which is conducted according to the guidelines of Education for Sustainable Development, takes place either at the school or at the Hanau Environmental Center. It includes a theoretical and practical part in which the children experience the water cycle. The children build a water cycle in a jar that they can take home with them. The module is characterized by authentic educational material from Monte Alto, the Tropica Verde reforestation project in Costa Rica. There, the water cycle was restored through reforestation, which secured the river and the water supply for the population.

Duration: 150 minutes (2.5h)
Where: Hanau Environmental Center or school in the Rhine-Main area
For whom suitable: 4. and 5th grade
Price: from 70 € (for 20 participants)
Booking: via Tropica Verde
Implementing partner: Hanau Environmental Center

4 ara und ananas 2015

Education module | School: Secondary level I & II

Macaw and pineapple: rivals in the rainforest?

What does a colorful bird have to do with a tropical fruit? While growing pineapples in Costa Rica, pupils discover the connection between the destruction of the rainforest and the consumption of tropical products in an interdisciplinary way.

The workshop will be held at various locations in the Palmengarten in Frankfurt. In cooperation with the Green School of the Palm Garden, the educational module “Macaws and Pineapples” was developed with a focus on “Fair Trade” and “Organic Cultivation Methods” for secondary levels I and II. Using a variety of methods, they learn about the problem through learning stations, guided tours of the Tropicarium and role-playing, which also includes the living and working conditions of pineapple workers and their families. Solutions such as fair trade or organic farming are examined and options for action are developed and discussed.

Duration: 210 minutes (3.5 hours) including 30-minute break
Where: Palmengarten Frankfurt am Main
Who it is suitable for: Secondary level I and II (from 7th grade)
Price: from €50 (max. 15 participants); two groups possible at the same time
Booking: via Tropica Verde
Implementing partner: Green School in the Palmengarten Frankfurt

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Individual educational offers on various topics Guided tours, lectures or stands

We offer tailor-made guided tours, presentations and information stands on topics such as the rainforest, pineapple cultivation or consumer behavior for school and company celebrations or birthdays. Let us know your ideas and we will work with you to see how we can realize them.

6 Monte Alto Beet 2014

Monte Alto bed in the palm garden

Visit the Tropicarium in the Palm Garden and discover how the little anteater lives at the Monte Alto bed. Original plants from our protected area grow here. If you are interested, we will be happy to organize a guided tour. Please contact the information office.

Where: Palmengarten Frankfurt am Main
Price: current admission price Palmengarten

In addition to our educational offers you can
also take action yourself or together with us

We cooperate with school classes, associations, networks, municipal and private institutions and individuals. Our members independently launch fundraising appeals for birthdays or campaigns such as “Haircut for the anteater”. There are no limits to your creativity – just contact us!
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Appeal for donations

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Educational campaigns

Action and information stands

Tropica Verde is present at events organized by long-standing cooperation partners throughout the year. In addition to information about the association and its projects, we also offer environmental education activities for all age groups. These events are supported by the commitment of our members and volunteers. You can find us at these (regular) events:
  • BioFrankfurt Green Exchange in the Palmengarten
  • Experience biodiversity” campaign week organized by BioFrankfurt
  • Zoo action days organized by BioFrankfurt and the Frankfurt Zoological Society
  • Sustainability parcour from the “Learning sustainability in Frankfurt” network
  • Blue plaque on the Römerberg from the “Learning sustainability in Frankfurt” network
  • Campaign week for the closure of the Mainkai
    from the network “Learning sustainability in Frankfurt”

…and even more!

IGS NORDEND: Long-standing cooperation for climate protection

IGS Nordend in Frankfurt has been working regularly with Tropica Verde for years. As an energy-saving school, it saves 60 tons of CO2 and 15,000 euros a year. Unavoidable CO2 is offset by planting trees with Tropica Verde. Donations collected by the pupils, such as during a charity run, support the reforestation in Monte Alto. Together with the EnergIGS project, Tropica Verde takes part in events such as the Environmental Festival on the Main. IGS Nordend won the “Energy Saving Champion” competition in 2021.

Children discover nature on the observation platform of the environmental education center in Monte Alto

News about our educational campaigns and projects

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We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: