Tropica Verde


We have been protecting rainforest in Costa Rica for over 30 years

startseite Kapokbaum

More about
our projects

startseite workshop2
More about us

Our goals.
Our projects.
Our successes.
With transparency.

Tropical rainforests are among the most complex and species-rich ecosystems on earth. They stabilize the climate and regulate the global water balance. They are the source of food, medicine, ideas and raw materials that have become an integral part of our lives today. They are the basis of existence and home to millions of people.

TROPICA VERDE has been committed to the preservation of the world’s tropical rainforests since 1989 and thus makes a direct contribution to climate protection. With donations and membership fees, the association supports specific nature and species conservation projects in Costa Rica in close cooperation with the local people. TROPICA VERDE projects are always planned and implemented in close cooperation with local project partners. In addition, TROPICA VERDE provides information through lectures, publications and exhibitions in Germany on the causes and global consequences of the destruction of tropical habitats and makes recommendations for sustainable development.

We are delighted that you would like to find out more about our work. For us, protecting the rainforest means preserving living diversity and improving local living conditions.

Here is an insight into our projects

Generationsübergreifende Umweltbildungsaktivitäten mit der lokalen Bevölkerung
wissen ecodesi

Schutz des Großen Soldatenaras
lapa Verde start

Schutz des Primärwaldes an der Karibikküste
Finca Curre 1

Zunehmende Artenvielfalt durch Wiederbewaldung ehemaliger Viehweiden
Monte Alto kl

Artenschutz und Wiederbewaldung in einer Pufferzone am Braulio Carrillo Nationalpark
Fluss in Res Kinkajou © Stefan Rother Faunity 5810 scaled

Regenwaldschutz durch die Finanzierung von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung an Schulen

Meeresschildkrötenschutz an der Karibikküste
Faunity Arribada Ostional Schildkroete
CostaRica Karte gross
Ara project Finca Curré


Preserving living diversity, improving living conditions and promoting sustainability


Conservation of valuable natural habitats through the establishment and management of protected areas.

Conservation of biodiversity and protection of endangered species. Restoration of near-natural ecosystems through reforestation and natural regeneration. Promotion of sustainable utilization concepts. Environmental education and public relations.

Tree seeds first had to be laboriously collected in the forest and germinated before trees could be grown in the nursery
Environmental education with pupils in Monte Alto


Continuous species conservation with local partners

Capuchin monkey with baby
Waterfall near the Reserva Kinkajou
Forest engineer Victor in the tree nursery
Small anteater

Latest news

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Helping instead of complaining

Support the tropical rainforest with your donation or become a member of the association
Data protection
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We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: