through reforestation, climate protection and education

Your financial support for climate protection measures can bind more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!

Calculate your individual flight compensation
(1 person, Economy):

How does Tropica Verde contribute to
CO2 compensation with?

Tropica Verde unterstützt biologisch nachhaltige Wiederbewaldungs- und Tropenwaldschutzprojekte in Costa Rica und trägt somit direkt zu einer Bindung der Treibhausgase bei.

One hectare of 60-year-old tropical rainforest binds around 590 tons of carbon dioxide within this period and around 10 tons ofCO2 every year thereafter [1].

Old, mature trees bind much more CO2 per year than young trees. Tropica Verde supports both: on the one hand, we protect original primary forests, some of which have trees over 100 years old, such as the giant kapok trees. On the other hand, we plant young trees in mixed cultivation where necessary. For us, targeted means that we only reforest with locally occurring tree species in special buffer zones or forest-connecting biocorridors, which also expand the habitat of the animals. The aim here is to reconnect rugged areas and thus ensure that animals are able to migrate.

Tropica Verde also supports environmental education in kindergartens, schools and universities, helping to raise awareness and educate younger generations about the topic.

The local population is closely involved in the conservation projects and supports the establishment of tree nurseries, reforestation and patrols for forest protection.

As a small personal association, Tropica Verde attaches great importance to the correct and particularly transparent use of donations.

As a donor, you can therefore be sure that your donations will be used for current and future rainforest protection and environmental education. The DZI donation seal confirms this needs-oriented use of funds.

How is yourCO2 compensation calculated?

An average emission of 0.37 kg CO2 is assumed per kilometer flown.

Für einen Flug von Frankfurt nach San José und wieder zurück (18.709 km, 1 Person, Economy) werden demnach ca. 6,9 Tonnen CO2 erzeugt. Mit einer Regenwaldpatenschaft über 25 € wird ungefähr 1 t CO2 kompensiert [2].

Frankfurt – San José (CR) – Frankfurt
18,709 km, 1 person, Economy
6.9 tons of CO2 -> 173 Euro donation

This compensation is based on a mixed calculation, which consists primarily of the protection of existing tropical forests, reforestation, environmental education and a small proportion of administrative costs (approx. 13%) [3]. This means that approx. 173 euros are required tooffset the CO2 emissions of your flight, which we use for theCO2-reducing measures described above.

Support the tropical forests in Costa Rica and donate to offset your CO2 emissions! Let’s make the world a little bit better!

Zasob 10

Make a donation!

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[1] “Calculation of carbon sequestration during reforestation in the tropics”, Wanek, Richter, Albert et al., University of Vienna, 2011
[2] This corresponds to the price for one tonne of CO2 in EU emissions trading (2019). Calculated down, this corresponds to 2.5 cents per kilogram of CO2.
[3] You can request a detailed sample calculation from the information office.

Photo: © Stefan Rother / Faunity

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We, TROPICA VERDE e.V. (Club seat: Germany), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: