SDG 13: Climate action

Lecture “Tropica Verde conservation projects in Costa Rica – a current overview” on 16.6.2018

Lecture “Tropica Verde conservation projects in Costa Rica – a current overview” on 16.6.2018

Our CEO Michael Ott and Tropica Verde founding member Stefan Rother traveled to Costa Rica together last year. They have visited many of our projects on site, spoken to project partners, planned new projects and gained first-hand impressions of current projects. In...

ACBTC- Festival Ambiental por la vida

ACBTC- Festival Ambiental por la vida

As part of environmental education, we supported the ACBTC Ambiental por la vida festival in Talamanca this year. Pupils were given the opportunity to present their various projects artistically at this environmental festival. The students not only provided the guests...